Hi jammers! It’s Fallergirl, and it’s time to talk about ROLEPLAYING!!!!!!!! Whether you like family role-play or fantasy, many people love role-playing, and why not? There are an almost infinite number of scenarios to play out. I mean, doctor, family, survival, SHRIMP? I will be making all of the role-play posts on this blog, but today we will be talking about the dos and don’ts about role-play stories.
1. DO use the den/area to your advantage
Are you in a sky kingdom? Use the rivers as the sources of good/evil. Are you in Sarepia forest? Dance around the fire pit as a clan ritual.
2. DON’T act completely inappropriate for your surroundings.
Are you in the Temple of Zios? Be a forest dwelling monkey or tiger, not a shivering baby seal. Are you at Mt. Shiveer? Be a mountain climber or a Sherpa, not a fish.
3. DO use your imagination.
4. DON’T rely on stereotypes.
Being a fallen angel, or a baby wolf is kinda overused, but if you can play that role without being a stereotype, go for it.
5. DO join or form a clan.
The rest of your clan will always be there to help you fight or heal you if you get hurt.
6. Don’t try to go it alone.
You will always be hurt or cornered without anyone to watch your back.
So this is how to have a good story for your role-play, thanks for reading my tiny little blog.
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